The 2SC2290A is a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) designed and manufactured by Toshiba Corporation. It is an improved version of the 2SC2290 transistor, featuring enhancements such as reduced on-resistance and improved linearity.
The 2SC2290A transistor is classified as an NPN transistor, which means it is made up of three layers of doped semiconductor material with a P-type layer sandwiched between two N-type layers. It is designed to operate with a maximum collector-emitter voltage (Vce) of 12.5 volts and a maximum collector current (Ic) of 8 amps.
The "Red Dot" on the transistor indicates that it is a high-quality, reliable, and durable component that meets strict manufacturing standards. The transistor is also lead-free and RoHS compliant, meaning it meets the European Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances directive, which limits the use of certain hazardous materials in electronic and electrical equipment.
The 2SC2290A transistor offers high gain and high power output, making it suitable for use in high-frequency power amplifier circuits. It also features a low input capacitance, which allows it to operate at higher frequencies than many other transistors. Additionally, the transistor has a compact and lightweight design, making it easy to integrate into various electronic devices and systems.
The 2SC2290A transistor is a high-quality and reliable component that offers excellent performance in a wide range of high-frequency applications. Its high power output, frequency range, and lead-free and RoHS compliant design make it a popular choice for use in various RF power amplifier circuits.
Silicon NPN Epitaxial Planar Type 2-30 MHz SSB Linear Power Amplifier Applications, Low Supply Voltage Use
- Specified 12.5V, 28MHz Characteristics
- Output Power : Po=60W PEP
- Power Gain : Gp=11.8dB (Min)
- Collector Efficiency : C = 35% (Min.)
- Intermodulation Distortion : IMD = - 30dB (Max)
New Old Stock * No longer available for export
MFR: Toshiba, Japan
Additional Information
Featured Product | Yes |
Made in the USA | No |
GTIN | No |
ISBN | No |
NATO Stock Number | No |
Manufacturer Part Number | No |
Manufacturer | No |
Condition | New |
NOS | Yes |
Call For Price | No |