Grounding Kits
SGL7-15B4 SureGround® Grounding Kit for 1-5/8" corrugated coaxial cable
Regular Price: $29.95
Special Price $24.95
241088-4 Andrew Standard Grounding Kit for 1-5/8" Corrugated Coaxial Cable and Elliptical Waveguide 52 and 63
$44.91 -
SG114-12B2U CommScope SureGround® Grounding Kit for 1-1/4 in Coaxial Cable
Out of stock
$29.91 As low as: $27.13 -
SG58-12B2U CommScope Grounding kit for 5/8" LDF4.5-50 Heliax Cable
$33.91 -
SGL5-15B4 SureGround® Grounding Kit for 7/8 in corrugated coaxial cable, Andrew
$24.91 -
223158-4 Andrew/CommScope Grounding kit w/2 hole lug For 1/4" and 3/8" cables
$34.91 -
SGL4-15B4 Andrew Sureground Grounding Kit for LDF4-50 Cable
$28.91 -
SG158-12B2U Andrew / Commscope SureGround® Grounding Kit for 1-5/8" Heliax Coaxial Cable
$31.91 As low as: $30.86 -
GKT-L4SG CommScope Grounding Kit Preparation Tool for 1/2 inch Corrugated Cable
$289.91 -
GKT-78SG CommScope Grounding Kit Preparation Tool for 7/8 in corrugated cable
$279.91 -
GKC58 Eupen Clip on Ground Kit for 5/8" Cables - 5' Lead W/ Unattached 3/8" Two Hole Lug
Regular Price: $27.91
Special Price $18.95
241088-2 Andrew Standard Grounding Kit for 5/8" and 7/8" Corrugated Coaxial Cable